The Best Crab Pot on the Market (eBay kcrabpots review)

I’m excited to share with you all a crab pot that I just purchased from the store kcrabpots, on He’s a custom crab trap maker who has been making pots since 2002!
Click here to see kcrabpot’s store on (Affiliate Link).
This trap has four entrances for crabs, a built-in bait box with a trap door, and a door on the top of the pot to empty your catch.
The trap is made out of PVC-dipped wire mesh, which prevents rusting, and is held together by hog rings. I picked blue wire mesh, but it can come in black and yellow.
It comes equipped with two cull rings, which are standard regulations in a lot of states. The only thing you will have to add to the trap are TEDs (Turtle excluder devices). They’re small metal or plastic rectangles installed at each entrance to prevent turtles from entering your crab trap.
The only downside is with metal hog rings, you’ll have to replace them every couple of years once they start to rust. That’s standard with any crab pot.
How has it compared to other traps?
I’ve gone through a fair amount of very low-quality crab pots. I’ve bought pots from Cabellas and Walmart and they were terrible. The reason why is because the wire mesh was cheap.
I’m not a strong guy, but with these big-brand traps, I could pull apart the wire mesh with just my fingers. If I was a crab trying to escape the trap, I could easily claw my way out of the trap. That’s exactly what happened when I went crabbing. Crabs would walk their way into the trap, eat, then claw their way out.
kcrabpot’s trap, on the other hand, is well made with very strong wire mesh. To show off its strength, I put a 25lb plate on the trap. To compare the two, one looks like it can’t hold itself up, and the other is holding a metal plate.

Click here to see kcrabpot’s store on (Affiliate Link).
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